Obion County Board of Education
April 13, 2009

Agenda Item: VIII.F.

Consider/Approve Crisis Management Plan

Preliminary Matters:

TCA. §49-6-(3-15) or the SAVE Act (Schools Against Violence in Education) establishes specific and consistent requirements for local education agencies in providing a safe school environment. The Act provides a framework for emergency planning aimed at bringing together all available resources and stakeholders to provide for the safety of all of Tennessee’s students.

Timeline/Act Implementation

The SAVE Act allows the Commissioner of Education to grant a two-year waiver to districts that are in substantial compliance with the provisions of the Act.  Directors of Schools were provided an opportunity to certify compliance and receive a waiver, which we did.  Districts receiving a waiver are not required to submit the required documentation until October 1, 2009. The attached Plan will be submitted to the Tennessee Department of Education prior to this deadline. Our plan can be accessed by sections

Plan Cover Page
Plan Table of Contents
Plan Document

Each LEA is required to adopt a comprehensive district-wide school safety plan and building-level school safety plans regarding crisis intervention, emergency response, and emergency management. Such plans must be developed by a district-wide school safety team and a building-level school safety team established pursuant to law and must follow the template developed by the state-level safety team. Heath Cunningham and Donnie Walton developed the district-wide plan and will be assisting the individual schools in developing building-level plans.

Each LEA must make each district-wide and building-level school safety plan available for public comment at least thirty (30) days prior to its adoption The district-wide and building-level plans may be adopted by the LEA only after at least one (1) public hearing that provides for the participation of school personnel, parents, students and any other interested parties. After the first reading, we will accept public comment on the plan and hold a public hearing prior to the May Board meeting. The plan will receive the second reading at the May Board meeting.

Staff Recommendation:

On behalf of our district-wide school safety committee, I recommend approval of the Obion County Crisis Management Plan on first reading.